How the “pinball_protocol” benefits timebank and mutual aid networks.


"Independent server unification"
While all economic communities benefit from individuality, sovereignty and private domains, there will always be a need to reference and relay value along and beyond any one private server. By adding a blockchain network to the backend of any group of independent private member directories, an agnostic protocol can develop to connect them in a hybrid L1 blockchain / L2 network of directories. The pinball_protocol uses Ruby on Rails controllers to create “tokenized transactions” while running customized business logic providing member services.


"Time in the stablecoin era"
A "stablecoin" representing an amount of time offered by a timebank member is created when 1 unit of time is directly tradeable with any commodity as its trading pair. Timebanks benefit from giving members ways to alternatively monetize their bank's "unit" value. i.e An apple farmer could create a tractor repair coin/token by alternatively pegging the value of their labor to a finished product they offer like apples.  By creating a stablecoin equal to a service and quantity of time, any member can create an inflation resistant secondary market representing any current or future service. Why not additionally peg our time to a blockchain so an alternative physical commodity can become a non-perishable liquid digital asset?

For global transactions backed by countless products or services, we benefit from choosing blockchains as a trading pair because they offer instant global reach at low cost per transaction and can be used to trade for any other timebank offering. If a stablecoin is created, there is no limit to the number of additional assets or offerings that can be traded directly from a member's profile. Each subsequent offering displays its value at the offering/stablecoin exchange rate while the stablecoin's value comes from the stablecoin/blockchain valuation. Timebank members are not forced to add an alternative offering or create a stablecoin pairing. Because all valuations are set by members, everyone has the ability to unify an HOUR's valuation while also offering unique valuation for alternative goods and services. If more than one blockchain is adopted, any timebank can provide exchange services between stablecoin trading pairs. Timebanks also benefit from pre-existing blockchain -> dollar exchanges and the opportunity to offer their own online & IRL exchange services.

"Data redundancy"
Blockchains are great at producing random hashes along with having their own viewable, peer-2-peer transaction explorers. By creating timebank HASH values using micro blockchain transactions, we create "tokenized transactions" where any blockchain explorer can act as a transaction validation or proof of identity. Blockchains offer versatile timestamp solutions and can be used to store encrypted data publicly as "inscriptions" and can also facilitate publicly audited elections.


"Participation incentives / Rewards"
While all blockchains can ultimately be exchanged for any fiat currency, they do not operate in the same way as paper money and are subject to volatility (they have a pulse!). When unified adoption can be organized and sustained, all supporting networks and communities benefit. Fixed issuance and predictable hard-coded inflation / deflation can give alternative financial networks guaranteed incentives for participation along with unparalleled potential for not-for-profit capital generation. 

"New economic experiences"
From "airdrops", "autonomous employee dividends", perpetual rolling jubilees and 100% distributed lottery payouts with public dividends, there is no limit to what can be deployed and distributed through our own sovereign servers.